This simple, cost-effective, "report-by-exception" system ensures
continuous monitoring, reporting, data logging and alarm autodialing.
Verbatim SCADA's features allow you to:
Manage and monitor a fleet of up to 2500 RTUs (Windows version),
with the ability to save, modify, and restore all RTU configurations.
Poll even large fleets easily with support for up to eight
simultaneous sessions.
View and monitor pump station status variables remotely, including
pump starts, runtime and failure.
Set up polling schedules, RTUs, modem lines and more with our
straightforward, built-in templates.
Obtain a wide range of reporting capabilities, including the ability
to view, print, e-mail or save reports as files.
View and monitor pump station status variables remotely, including
pump starts, runtime and failure.
Maintain a capacity of up to 2.5 billion bytes of data - 2 Mb per RTU.
Collect data efficiently through polling schedules or on-demand - no
more hours on the phone calling your RTUs.
Store collected data automatically into a centralized MySQL database.
Eliminate your need for programming and programmers with a system
designed specifically for Verbatim RTUs.